Monday, 29 May 2017

Cats and Cartons: Inseparable Companions

Have you ever wondered that why cats love those empty cartons at your house? The answer is obvious they love the warmth and the compactness that the box provides. Hazel(My kitty) loves crawling into the boxes.  I noted it once and started painting the cartons with bright colors so that we can have a cute photo shoot as well. She didn't use it the first week. Maybe, she didn't like the fragrance of the paint. Later, my husband suggested to dry the boxes in the sun and then give a try. Luckily, his idea worked. She started using them. Now it's like she never uses her cat house, which has a bigger space comparatively. However, it's fun to watch her playing with the containers.  

Like Hazel, there are many other felines, who love playing with cardboard boxes. The below blog contains images of such cute fur balls and their cases. Scan on to know more.   

1. I love my sofa!!    


This feline seems to be so fond of her new place that she refuses to come out.  She is seen comfortably seated into the box and looks like an adorable teddy bear.   

2. How many times should I meow that don’t disturb me while I'm asleep?


This guy who seems to love sleeping in his container is trying to open his eyes. However, the warmth of the box is not letting him do so.  

3. AHHH!! What a relaxing spot!


He is comfortably settled in and looks like a guy who is enjoying the warmth of the sun on the Hawaii beach.      

4. Can I have a bigger box, please?

Maybe the owner has to work harder the next time to impress him with a bigger one.  

5. Are you guys trying to eat something without me? 

The baby just smelled the aroma of muffins baked in the kitchen.    

6. Excuse me!!! Do you have these in size kitten?

It would have been nice if Ed Sheeran had sung the“Shape of you” for this adorable one.  

7.  I don’t want the toys that came in the box! I just want the box!

This cool guy just wants the warmth of the carton instead of playing like a kid. LOL!  

8. You look tired? Do you need this cozy place to get some rest??

He is a kind-hearted fellow, very few of them are concerned about their friends.  

9. Wake me up only when it’s time to eat!

This Chocolate box couldn’t have been used in a better way. 

10. OH MY GOSH! Is it my birthday today??

There couldn’t have been a better reaction to this when her owner gifted her a shoe box.  

Above were some of the funny reactions by the felines. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it. 

Don’t forget to post the pictures of your munchkins in their cozy space in the comments section below.

Monday, 8 May 2017

First time cat-owner? Avoid 7 common mistakes

Nothing is as rewarding as having a furry friend in the family. At the same time adopting the cute little fur ball is one big responsibility. The fur-bulous creatures complete your life, but at the same time they are very demanding. So, aside all the impulse of getting a new family member is accompanied by a lot of mistakes, especially by the first time fur-parent. If you’re going to be a cat owner for the first time, then, this article will come in handy for you.  

Here is a list of common blunders that the kitty owner generally commit.

1. Adopting the cat in haste

Boy with cat

The joy of having a furry beauty roaming around in your house is intriguing. But adopting the kitty in haste without proper planning is the biggest mistake committed by most. So, before you come to a decision and bring the cat home makes sure that you’ve done proper planning. Check out the action plan for the next few months to come. See if you have any holiday plans and things of this sort. It will become difficult of the new kitty to adjust of you leave her with a sitter in the very beginning. In sort, you’ve to be sure before you take up the responsibility. 

2. Discouraging the basic nature  

kitty scratching their bed

The felines are carnivores and few hunter instincts come naturally to them. Scratching and hunting are things that is important for their overall recreation. Lifting them up whenever you see the kitty scratching their bed and furniture is not enough. By doing this you are discourage their basic nature. There are other ways to deal with this. Get a scratching post and cat toys for her. The post will help sharpen the claws and the toys will keep them busy.

3. Litter box training 

Cat Litter box training


Cats are likes babies. You have to train them to adjust in your world. So, whether you buy them from a pet shop or rescue them from any organization, litter box training is must. Some felines learn it instantly while others take time. If you’re finding it hard to train her yourself, then, hire a trainer instead of being too pushy. Pampering your feline is fine, but makes sure that you don’t ignore the mistakes of the kitty. If you go easy in the beginning, the kitty won’t take it seriously.

4. Take cat grooming seriously 

cat grooming

Just buying a cardboard for the kitty to play is not enough. You’ll have to be at your toes if you wanna be an ideal parent. Cat grooming is a very important aspect that is ignored by most owner. The fur may add to the cuteness, but it requires regular trimming. Keep the nails clean and bathe the kitty regularly. The toiletries that you use for them should be of high-quality. Brush and rub the fur and keep their ears and teeth clean.  

5. Allowing the cat roam outside

cat roam outside

Allowing the kitty to leave the house unprotected is a big mistake. Even though animals the skill of finding their way by sniffing odors, cats are not very good at the same. They may loose their way. Not only this, there is a possibility getting attacked by other animals as well. Take her for a walk in the evening, but don’t let her leave the house without any supervision. When you take her out make sure that she has a cat collar bow tie, in order to, separate her from the stray cats.   

6. Ignoring allergies and illness

felines allergic

The felines are allergic to few things. You need to monitor her eating habits and the make a checklist of the things that are suiting her and the things that are not. Even the best quality food can leave the kitty with allergies. So, make sure that you consult a vet in case you witness any change in the usual behavior of feline. Similarly, no illness or injury of the kitty should be ignored. Immediately consult a specialist for the same.  

7. Spoiling the cat 

Spoiling the cat
Pamper your new family member doesn’t mean that you’ve to spoil her. Do not ignore every notorious act of the feline. However, at the same time don’t be rube if she’s being naughty. Discourage the bad behaviors and reward the good ones. Raise the kitty just as you would raise your child.  

Are you committing these mistakes? Do share your parenting experience in the comment below.